Adaptive Equipment

Adaptive Equipment

Adaptive equipment refers to equipment that assists people with disabilities to engage in daily living activities. Our students are often in need of adaptive equipment to assist them with daily living activities as well as improve the ability to engage in the school environment. The right adaptive equipment will allow greater access the curriculum and activities provided to students throughout their educational experiences. The Occupational Therapy (OT) and Physical Therapy (PT) staff is versed on what would be appropriate to meet the needs of individual students.

Acquiring Adaptive Equipment 
In many of the New Bedford Public School sites there is significant adaptive equipment available for use. The PT and OT staff would be the appropriate resource for pairing students with the appropriate equipment. If students are in need of adapted equipment that is not available at the school site, their needs should be reviewed by the OT and PT staff at the school. The PT or OT working with the students will prepare a justification complete with recommendations for equipment and submit this to their respective supervisors for review, approval and purchasing.

Examples of Adaptive Equipment 
Standers, gait trainers, feeding equipment, toileting equipment, adaptive chairs and other supports, etc. For further information on adaptive equipment contact Special Education Supervisor- Sandra Ford at Ext. 14400 or your child's OT/PT provider.